The Human Kinetics Library is a digital hub for sport and exercise studies featuring more than 150 eBooks and a range of videos. Human Kinetics teamed up with Bloomsbury Digital Resources to build on their mission to increase the knowledge, enhance the performance and improve the health and fitness of all people around the world. This collection is dedicated to the research, teaching and understanding of the kinesiology and exercise science disciplines. It is marketed to institutional libraries to be used by university faculty, staff and students.
The Human Kinetics Library covers a range of subjects including:
- Active aging
- Anatomy and biomechanics
- Exercise and sport science
- Exercise prescription, instruction, and assessment
- Fitness and health
- History, sociology, and philosophy of sport
- Motor behavior
- Nutrition and healthy eating
- Physical activity and health
- Physiology of sport and and exercise
- Recreation and leisure
- Research methods, measurement and evaluation
- Sport management and sport business
- Sport and activities

Institutions and universities that purchase the platform have access to market-leading content including textbooks, supplementary monographs, and materials for practitioners. With a growing collection of products on offer, libraries can create a rich package that best serves the research needs of their users. The platform is user friendly with an engaging, easy-to-navigate interface and sophisticated indexing and searching tools. New e-Books and videos are added annually. New titles added in 2022 include:
- Water Fitness Progressions
- Heart Rate Training, Second Edition
- Understanding Sport Organizations
- Aquatic Center Marketing
- Complete Conditioning for Soccer
- The Warm-Up
- Methods of Group Exercise Instruction, Forth Edition
I am honored to have my book, Water Fitness Progressions, included in the library. For more information on the collection go to the Human Kinetics Library. Librarians interested in purchasing or subscribing to the Human Kinetics Library can visit the Human Kinetics Library Platform.
See you in the pool!